Thursday, May 2, 2013

Obama Criminalizes Christianity

By Robert Moon – The Examiner
In a stunning attack on the speech rights and free religious exercise of U.S. soldiers, the Obama administration has released a statement confirming the unthinkable: Any soldier who professes Christianity can now be court-martialed and may face imprisonment and a dishonorable discharge from the military…even if they are a military chaplain.
The statement released to Fox News earlier today:
Religious proselytization is not permitted within the Department of Defense…Court martials and non-judicial punishments are decided on a case-by-case basis…
This statement follows a recent meeting between Pentagon officials and fanatical anti-Christian activist Mikey Weinstein, who helped design the new punishments for Christians who commit the now-criminal offense of sharing their faith with others. adds:
Weinstein is the head of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, and says Christians–including chaplains–sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in the military are guilty of ‘treason,’ and of committing an act of ‘spiritual rape’ as serious a crime as ‘sexual assault.’ He also asserted that Christians sharing their faith in the military are ‘enemies of the Constitution.’
Never mind the fact that the separation of church and stateis a myth that cannot be found anywhere in the Constitution (as I have explained before), or that it in no way violates anyone’s rights to have to witness or tolerate someone else exercising their faith…or that the only actual violation of the Constitution here is this tyrannical Atheist attack on the 1st Amendment.

edit - added the following: 

**Update** Facing public outrage and the first open act of defiance by a high-ranking military leader over this, the Obama administration has done a complete 180 and now denies that any of it ever happened, despite multiple, separate confirmations from the Department of Defense that it did.
Suddenly, they are insisting that, contrary to all known definitions of the word, "proselytize," all they had ever actually attempted to criminalize by making proselytizing a court-martial offense was coercion and abuses of power to force religion on others.
This is an interesting twist, especially considering that military chaplains operate outside the chain-of-command and have zero authority over soldiers..and that it is already illegal for those within the chain-of-command to discriminate or to force religion on anyone.
And for the record, there is no known reference material anywhere that defines proselytizing as anything more than to convert or attempt to convert. Coercive force has never been mentioned or even implied in any dictionary or by anyone in office until just now.
The bottom line: The Obama administration was caught trying to illegally shove a radical Atheist agenda down the throats of Christian soldiers, and the public backlash too politically costly for them to continue pursuing it. So now, it never happened.

Hollywood kills Tea Partiers, Christians in movie 'God Bless America'

  * movie called "God Bless America" takes aim - literally - at Christians, conservatives and Tea Party activists.

According to the film's description:
Frank (Joel Murray) has had enough of the downward spiral of American culture, which he sees as overrun with cruelty, stupidity and intolerance. Divorced, recently fired, and possibly terminally ill, Frank truly has nothing left to live for. But instead of taking his own life, he buys a gun and decides to take out his frustration on the cruelest, stupidest, most intolerant people he can imagine—starting with some particularly odious reality television stars. Frank finds an unusual accomplice in a high-school student named Roxy (Tara Lynne Barr), who shares his sense of rage and disenfranchisement, and together they embark on a nation-wide assault on our country’s dumbest, most irritating celebrities.
Written and directed by taboo-busting filmmaker and comedian Bobcat Goldthwait (Shakes the Clown, Sleeping Dogs Lie, World's Greatest Dad), GOD BLESS AMERICA a truly dark and very funny comedy for anyone who’s had enough of the dumbing down of our society.

"Taking out the trash, one jerk at a time," reads the tag line at Got that? According to Hollywood, Christians and conservatives are "trash" that must be "taken out." A dark comedy, indeed - because it seems that murdering conservatives apparently is what's considered funny in Hollywood these days. Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit posted a letter he received from someone who watched the movie, and left thoroughly disgusted:
I had the misfortune experience of seeing this piece of crud movie ‘God Bless America’ at SXSW recently. This movie is horrible! It is nothing more than leftist propaganda murder porn! The heroes in this movie kill a character clearly based on Bill OReilly. Then they shoot Tea Party members and kill members from the Westboro Baptist Church. Can you imagine the out cry from the leftist socialist media if it were Bill Maher or Wanda Sykes being killed in this movie? Would the crowd be cheering if it was a group of OWS members being shot down and killed instead of Tea Party Members? Or what if it was a radical Muslim group being ran over and killed instead of a group of Christians? Of course we would never see that movie come out of Hollywood. Because Hollywood hates the USA! I have seen nothing but positive reviews for this piece of s*** movie and not one calling it out for what it is. Pure hate from the left. Just another example of Hollyweird’s disgusting double standards. Hopefully you or someone else with some real stones will do something about this disgusting piece of hate.
Newsbusters' Paul Wilson wrote of the movie:
...the movie’s title takes a gratuitous shot at the Christian God, by implying that God has “blessed” America with fools and idiots that need to be eliminated, and at those who revere America’s Judeo-Christian heritage. Goldthwait also depicts Christians in the usual Hollywood manner – by equating them all with the members of the extremist Westboro Baptist Church. If a director were to make a movie titled “Allah Bless Saudi Arabia,” and had his protagonist indiscriminately shoot hatemongering imams, teenaged girls and people in movie theaters, he would be instantly blacklisted in Hollywood as a hateful bigot. But attacks on Christians garner only praise from the artistic community.
An article at the Hollywood Reporter says the two characters "...use handguns to mow down anyone who crosses them, including double-parkers, spoiled teenagers and cellphone users who refuse to turn off their phones during a movie." The article makes no mention of conservatives, Christians or Tea Party activists. The movie is not the first production to target conservatives in such a manner. A play called The Last Supper, adapted from a 1995 movie by Dan Rosen, was all about killing conservatives. It, too, was billed as a dark comedy, and was performed in Wisconsin just two weeks after the tragic Tucson shooting that left former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords fighting for her life. No one should be surprised that such a movie would be made in Hollywood. In his book, Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your TV, Ben Shapiro shows the hatred that Hollywood liberals have for anyone to the right of Joseph Stalin. So, it's only natural that an industry that hates conservatives and openly discriminates against them would produce a movie that sees "comedy" in their murder. One has to ask: Why would counservatives - or anyone with a conscience - spend their hard-earned money to support such an industry?

  source: HERE.

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